Wednesday 7 August 2013


"I'm very happy with what you've done, as a writer you have a lot of potential"

Said Isabelle from the Editorial Department of British Mode after I sent my first article to them.

During this 6 months that I spent in England I have been writing more than ever. I am writing to Platinum Love, I wrote at Fashion156 and I have already written around 12 posts at Dash Magazine. I will also be writing for British Mode at the same time. Feels like I now know a bit more what I want to do after graduating - and it feels good!

Images Pinterest


  1. Hieno homma kun saa hyvää palautetta :) Todella mielenkiintoinen blogi, kuinka kauan vielä olet Englannissa?

    1. Kiitos kommentistasi! Sinullakin näköjään vaihto alkamassa, onnea siihen! Englanti seikkailuja voi lukea syyskuun loppuun asti, sitten on aika palata takaisin Turkuun ja kouluun! :)
