Sunday 10 February 2013


Our main reasons to go to London again:

1. Our friend Elisa who is now studying in Scotland came to London for the weekend.
2. Vanessa's birthday!

We spent the morning visiting fabric stores, again, and the evening at Soho and Oxford street.

Birthday girl!

"Carrie's shoes" at Liberty. One day you will be mine!

Ryan Gosling colouring book at Urban Outfitters.

Cute candyshop in Soho.

Found liquorice pipes! Had to "smoke" one in the dark alley.

Last time it was Indian, now it was thai.

We had a lot of fun, even though it was raining almost the whole day. Next time we go to London we are going to visit only museums and see sights. No more fabric stores PLEASE! No more Oxford Street :D In London there's 8 million people. 8 MILLION. In the whole Finland: 5,4 million. You can see the difference when you are walking on Oxford street on saturday evening...