Tuesday 5 March 2013


I thought I might write couple words about the process if someone who is reading this, is thinking of going on exchange! :)

I have been part of Erasmus Student Network (ESN) for almost my whole time studying in Turku. Hearing all the exchange students talk about how it is the best time of their lives, made me want to go on exchange as well!
And I have no regrets :)

So the whole process started already in September 2012. I wrote a motivation letter to my school and after my school approved it, I got to apply to the schools abroad.
We got to choose 2-3 Universities that we wanted to apply in.
Winchester School of Art was my first choice. My second choice was Heriot Watt in Scotland.
Our international tutor said it is always good to have a back-up plan, but she did not encourage us to apply to more than 2-3 schools, (because it is not good for our schools reputation if you apply to many schools, and then you have to cancel).

So my school showed the green light for my exchange. All the information that I needed, I found on Winchester School of Art website. I needed to send a portfolio and some official papers. 
I send the portfolio by e-mail couple weeks before the deadline. 

I got my acceptance letter in December 2012. Oh I remember that day! I had been waiting for an answer for so long. It was already quite late in the evening when I got the e-mail. I was so happy. I had to call my mother first and the text to my friends :)

I had to select the courses I would participate in. Often the courses are already planned before hand. Like here in WSA we have 2 modules now in the spring. Basically we have 3 projects and Reflective Journal. Sometimes you have the opportunity to affect on what modules you will take but it depends of the school and the program.

I found a room from Winchester before I came here. I was super lucky, I got nice roommates and the rent is not too bad.
I subleased my own apartment in Turku, so it is there waiting for me when I go back to Finland.

The most stressing part was definitely waiting for the answer from the school. After that I was stressing about my apartment and my furniture - what to do with them? Subletting it, was the most easiest option.

I arrived to London with my friend Emilia at the end of January 2013. 
So far, everything has gone so well and I am so so happy that I decided to come to Winchester!
Greetings to all my friends abroad who I met through ESN. Happy to know each and one of you and feels good to get this experience myself :)

I can honestly recommend exchange to everybody! Yes it might be expensive but you get to see the world, learn a foreign language, and gain friendships that will last for a lifetime!

Good luck to anyone applying! :)


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