Friday 15 February 2013


During this week we have gained a better image of the work that we have to have ready by next week. Now I feel relieved (because I know what I have to do) but stressed (there's so so much to do!!!) because I only have one week left!!
And what do we have to hand in, well, it is a lot!!

4 week project, and the requirements are:

1. Sketchbook with focused research and evidence of investigation, experimentation and in-depth design development and a minimum of 100 detail and garment design sketches.

2. Contextual Folder with thorough research, references, images and material supporting your theme for change.

3. Creative, yeat professionally presented A3 inspiration board with supporting visual information including fabric swatches and colours.

4. A3 Line-up sheet displaying a highly considered 8 piece collection - in colour with fabric samples.

5. 8 Portfolio illustrations, supported by spec drawings.

6. 1 outfit made up in chosen jersey or knitted fabrics and trims.

7. Supporting toiles and patterns for all garments presented clearly.

So, all this should be ready on Friday... we will see how it goes :D

Here are some random pictures from my phone, from this week.

One day it was snowing. 

The next day it was all sunshine.

My new Kurt Geiger boots, from London.

Made crepes with the girls, watched Die Hard 1 and 2 and knitted for our "Make a Change" project. Lovely day :)

On my way to school.

Me and Vanessa went to Jamie Oliver's restaurant Union Jack today after school. It was nice! We took shared plates with mushroom, fish fingers and sausages - like tapas but the British way!

Oreos! We don't have these in Finland. I do prefer Finnish similar ones, Dominos.

Hopefully I will have time to do something else besides school stuff this weekend, at least we are not going to London again! And I hope all my friends have a nice weekend :) 

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