Sunday 24 February 2013


We have been here already a month. Weeks go by so fast. Before I even notice, it will already be June. Today it was our fifth time at Wetherspoons having breakfast. This is a good way to count the weeks :)

During this time:

I got to try to drive a British car at Tesco's parking place. Did not go so well.
I always look in the wrong way when I am crossing the street. Maybe I will learn soon...
We have been to London twice. Next month again!
We have been going to the gym. BodyPump and BodyCombat are not that different in English.
Somedays it has been sunny and warm, somedays it has been super cold and snowing.
Have been praising Finland to everyone, maybe we will even convert someone from our class to come there on exchange :)
We went to a classic music concert at Winchester Cathedral - it was really nice!
Have been cherishing all dogs and cats that I see. I especially like my neighbors dog that is always running around in our street.
We have been to Southampton couple of times, to Ikea twice!
Went out last night with some of the girls from our class, so happy to get to know them better!
Our first school project is over and the next one starts tomorrow.
Me and Emilia are glad to have Finnish as our own secret language. Finnish is such a random language that it is impossible for others to understand! :D

Followed up by photos from past weeks.

Today after breakfast I have just been enjoying my "lazy day", watching "Modern Family".
Tomorrow back to work!!!

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