Sunday 3 February 2013


Yesterday I went to London with my friends. It was quite a hectic day, since we had to buy a lot of stuff for school and we were searching for fabric stores we had never visited before...
Despite that, we decided to start the day at Oxford Street's Topshop. We spent two hours in there! You could easily spend the whole day there!

After that we started looking for fabric stores. 
We went to Berwick Street...

And then we realized that we would really like to buy yarn instead of fabric....

And so we went to Liberty (right after eating Indian food).

The food was so good and spicy.

I spent a lot of money...

I am a tourist!!!

Now back to work -->


  1. Topshopin kassit oli samanlaiset nykissäkin! =) Mutta wau mikä kangaskauppa!

  2. Joo oisi tehnyt mieli ostaa vaikka mitä kankaita ihan muihin tarkoituksiin kuin kouluprojektiin :)
