Wednesday 20 February 2013


Every Wednesday morning we have a Fashion & Textiles lecture by Emmanuelle Dirix. I could listen to her for hours. She is provocative and sarcastic, she has taught for example Alexander McQueen and has lectured at London college of Fashion and the Antwerp Fashion Academy.
Her subject specialism is fashion history and theory and she reminds me of one of our teachers in Turku. They both have so much knowledge and the ability to share this information in an interesting way. The way she performs is so effortless and relaxed.

Today she was talking about Nostalgia and memories - how people leave traces and are these traces allowed to show to the rest of the world?

People imagine that everything was so much better in the olden days, because they have not lived there and they only have the image that you get from movies, pictures, museums... 
Museums erase human traces and replace it with labels.
"An ideal museum show is provoking intense and pleasurable nostalgia for a past that none of it's audience has had."

She pointed out that today, instead of living our life, we are documenting it (instagram, facebook, blogs, we just take pictures of everything nowadays). 

Always after these Wednesday mornings I feel inspired, wanting to write and do research. I wish we had lectures like this in Turku as well!


  1. Hey Noora!
    I have listened to Emmanuelle's lectures, she is great!
