Saturday 23 February 2013


Some pictures from my Sketchbook. Ended up having around 70 sketches. 
Maybe next time I will have the 100 that was required...

Because the project ended me and Emilia decided to go out for couple of drinks. I was wearing heels, would never be possible in Finland in February to walk outside with these!

PS. I promise never again to complain about the Finnish education system, and of how small the Financial Aid is that we get from KELA. The students here have to pay so much for one semester, and all the girls in our class have to work around 2-4 times a week.
The education in Finland is free and we get money from the government. Back home, I work occasionally in the weekends but never during the week.
Now, I feel super lucky! 
Sometimes you just need some perspective to see the good things :)

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