Monday 28 January 2013


So today was the first day of school. Me and Emilia were like little kids, so excited :D We woke up early and ate a good breakfast.
We walked to school, it takes around 20 minutes to go there.

We got our schedules and we have three projects this semester. The first one is called "Make a change".
This semester is going to be pretty hectic, I'm sure. But I'm just waiting for "the everyday life" to begin, now it has just felt like we are on a holiday!
There's also a Slovenian and a Portuguese girl studying Fashion Design with us. The class is really big, 52 students all in total! It's crazy. At Turku there's only 14 of us. We also met an Australian girl, she's studying Fine Arts here.

Here are some pictures from past few days.

Pub Crawl

The morning after.

Bought some chocolate and a beautiful leather purse.

Had to take pictures on our first school day.

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